I am on a mission to ditch dieting and start living.


We are on a mission to Ditch Dieting and Start Living

Allyson Terpstra RDN, LD

Founder & Registered Dietitian

Hi there! I’m Allyson, a registered dietitian nutritionist who practices a non-diet, weight-inclusive approach to health and nutrition.
What does that mean exactly? My practice is founded on the science that our body’s shape and size doesn’t determine health. Health is multifaceted and complex and food is just one part of the equation.
In a culture that obsesses over weight, food, and the newest diet craze, it can be easy to lose sight of that joy. Eating has been taken over by scales, counting calories and macros, and is filled with guilt and shame. That’s why I am fiercely passionate about helping others let go of these ideals, restrictions, and food rules so that they can rediscover peace with food and their body.
Through my practice, my goal is to cultivate positive habit change and joyous eating experiences. I help others discover the simplicity of food and eating that promotes their own well-being. Through empowerment and support I help my clients overcome barriers and create a healthy relationship with food so they can live their joyful life with intention.


How many diets or “lifestyle programs” have you tried thinking this would be the one that would really work? Only to find yourself obsessing over food, deprived, guilty, and anxious.

It’s time to break up with these, it’s not you it’s the diet.

You need something that’s sustainable and will free you from guilt, restriction, and rules so that you can live your life nourished and joyful.

How much of your life have you put on hold until your body looks “just right”? What if I told you it’s possible to live your life without thinking about how you look, not comparing yourself to others, and not fearing what other people are thinking. It is possible!

I have helped women one-by-one get back in touch with what brings them joy and experience life in a body that is nourished and cared for.

Let’s Make Space

for What Matters.

About The Joyful Life Nutrition

I practice from a non-diet, Health at Every Size (HAES) approach with an emphasis on Intuitive Eating and body image healing. My nutrition services provide you with Intuitive Eating, body respect, self-compassion, stress-management and the skills you need to live nourished and joyful.

I specialize in chronic dieting, disordered eating, body image concerns, and nutrition-related diagnosis (such as diabetes, heart disease and GI disorders).

The Joyful Life Philosophy

My mission is to bring peace and healing to your relationship with food and your body. No more dieting, restriction, rules, or guilt. Instead, I will reconnect you with the simplicity and joy in nourishing yourself in a way that truly feels good. I will help you redefine what health and happiness means to you and together we will celebrate all that you are. Finally experience the freedom you’ve been dreaming of through body trust, respect, and care. When there is no more guilt, deprivation, or rules you will have the space to live your life with joy and intention.

Your Weight is Not Your Worth

Bodies naturally come in many different shapes and sizes. I do not use numbers to define health or worth. Your body is worthy of being cared for and deserves kindness and compassion no matter what size it is.

You Are the Expert of You

Your body does an excellent job of telling you what it needs. Reconnect to your inner wisdom and learn to listen and honor your needs. Forget diets, food rules, and external cues telling you how and what to eat. YOU are the expert of your own body and you were born with the power to nourish yourself.

Take Up Space & Live Joyfully

Experience freedom from obsessive food thoughts, shaming, and negative self-talk. Rediscover your values, purpose, and joys in life. Create space for these so you can start living a more intentional and fulfilling life.


Let’s journey to joyful living, together.